Vision and Values

Let Your Light Shine!

St John's is a place where we can grow as life-long learners, understand the value of trusting friendships, show thankfulness and compassion to others and can make mistakes, knowing that we will be forgiven. We can both find peace and become peacemakers in the knowledge that we are letting our light shine.

"I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."

John 8:12

These words are at the heart of our school’s vision. 
They inspire and motivate our whole school community. 

Jesus also reminded us in Matthew’s gospel that we are lights for the world. 
As we seek to follow him, we can share his light with others and change the world! 

"In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven."

Matthew 5:16

At St John’s CofE Infant School the staff and governors have a responsibility for promoting positive values to help children develop spiritually, morally, socially and culturally - for children of all faiths and those of none.  As a CofE school the vision at St John’s is underpinned by Christian values which permeate all areas of school life.  Our overarching aim is to deliver, ‘an outstanding education within a caring environment’. Delivering this will help everyone's 'light shine'. 

Our values were created by the whole school community (pupils, parents, staff and governors).  Although we promote all the values as a matter of course, the six top values identified by the school community were:

Thankfulness          Peace          Love and Compassion          Forgiveness          Trust          Friendship   

Our Year 2 Values Leaders promote these values throughout the year and end their year by choosing someone to hand on the role to, expressing why they feel that person demonstrates the value.

  Our worship is based upon a different focus value each half-term, for example thankfulness for Harvest, Peace for Christmas and Forgiveness at Easter. 

Our long term Worship Plan can be viewed here

The rules we use to help us live out these values in school and let our light shine are our Rainbow Rules.

For each colour of the rainbow on our school logo we have a rule, which, if we follow them all, we will achieve our vision to let our light shine!


What the parents say

“The children’s SMSC education prepares them well for their future. St John’s helps them to be strong academically, emotionally and spiritually”


We welcome applications from parents from all faiths and those of none


Barford Lane, Churt
Farnham, Surrey, GU10 2JE

01428 713 216