School Council
St John’s School Council began in 2003 and has continued to work very successfully every year since. Two pupils from each class meet half termly with our PSHE subject leader. The children representing Rabbits Class are chosen by the teachers and the children in Foxes and Badgers Class are voted in by their peers.
The School Councillors meet half termly to discuss various issues about school life. They ask their peers for their opinions on the matter being discussed and then represent the views of their class at the next meeting. They also open the Suggestion Box and discuss any ideas that pupils have put in. These issues discussed and suggestions raised are shared with Mrs Stevens.
Our year two pupils attend termly Super School Meetings which are made up of pupils from the eight schools who are members of the Haslemere TEAM Confederation. Our pupils always enjoy meeting the school council representatives from the other schools.
The Super School Councillors went on a trip to Westminster. They got to see Big Ben and visited The House of Commons and The House of Lords. This gave the children an insight into our government.
Recent topics covered in school council meetings have been:
- Children-Speak Policies: These are policies that the children are involved in writing that are to do with behaviour and kind actions in the playground.
- Nyamondo School in Kenya: this is a school we are supporting along with other schools in the federation. The children are thinking of the best ways to raise money to help build a new classroom.
- Homework: The children discussed their views on homework and what they felt worked well.
- Lunch times: This led to the introduction of the ‘purple table’. The children who will sit on the purple table are chosen because they have been extremely well behaved and have eaten their lunch very sensibly. Children who sit on the purple table are served their lunch by the cooks before the rest of the school collect their lunches. The children are chosen on a weekly basis.
- After School Clubs: The children were asked their opinions for which after school club they would like to see in place as there had been a vacancy for one.