Our partnership with parents is fundamental to ensuring we know the "whole child" and helps ensure that their education is rich and meaningful. Parents are invited to many activities held in the school and we have an active Parent Teacher Association (PTA) where everyone is welcome. There are also Parents’ Evenings every term when children's work can be viewed and progress discussed with their teacher.
There is a ‘Meet the Teacher’ meeting held in the Autumn Term, and class assemblies – to which parents are invited to attend – as well as the Christmas productions and the end of year Sports Day and picnic celebrations. We operate an ‘open door’ policy so if you have any concerns or worries about any aspect of your child’s education or welfare, do not hesitate to get in touch with your child’s class teacher or the Headteacher. If the matter is likely to take more than a few minutes we would advise you to make an appointment and let us know the reason for your visit so that the teacher is prepared appropriately.
If there is any further information you require please contact the school.