New Parent Information
Once you have accepted a place at St John’s we organise a number of induction sessions for the children to ensure the transition from nursery to school goes smoothly.
The induction sessions include:
Three afternoon visits to the Reception class, known as Rabbit Class.
We hold an induction evening for parents/carers to discuss the Early Years Curriculum and inform you about school routines and expectations. It is also an opportunity for you to ask any questions that you would like to ask about your child starting school.
We also do a home visit for each child which is a really valuable way to get to know your child in their own environment. The home visit consists of a short visit by one of the reception class teachers and teaching assistants. It is an opportunity for you to have a one to one conversation with your child’s class teacher and helps build a happy relationship before your child starts in school. These visits usually take place in the first week of the autumn term.
We will send out any relevant paperwork before your child starts school and there will be an opportunity to purchase school uniform from Janice Batchelor, our school secretary.
For day to day policies and procedures, see our 'Policies and Reports' section of the website.