Badger Class start constructing!
I can honestly say that every child has tried his or her best in their learning - this is great to see and they should certainly be congratulated.
We have spent some time learning about grammar and different sentence types. They have learnt about statements, commands, questions and exclamations beginning with "what" and "how". For example, "What a lovely day!", or "How wonderful!".
We have also had some fun in maths learning more about capacity.
The children remembered well from their Yr 1 lessons and spent time estimating and then measuring an exact litre. Unfortunately it was a rather cold day so we had chilly hands afterwards!
We have had two good afternoons making our Great Fire of London houses.
Every child covered his or her own box, then painted it, added decoration and a roof, and these are now on display in the corridor.
Some parents have asked me to give you a better idea of what is coming up in maths over the following week so I will try to do this every Friday. Next week we will continue to work on understanding of multiplication and saying the 2, 5 and 10 times tables. We will also be introducing the division sign. The children will work practically to share items and show this in number sentences. It is very early days with these skills so we often use additional vocabulary, referring to 'groups of', 'lots of' and 'shared between'. However, this is used alongside the usual vocabulary of multiplication and division. When children get muddled, it is always best to ask them to solve the question in a practical way, or to draw 'dot pictures' to help them.