Badger Class
What we have been learning this week
This week in English the children have been writing their own Traditional Tale. Some children have followed the story of "Anansi and the Yam Hills", whilst others have created their very own twist. They have concentrated on making their Traditional Tale interesting by using different sentence starters.
This week in maths Badger Class have been continuing to learn about division through drawing out the question and using equipment to help them. We have again been relating division to multiplication and they are getting great at ‘Hit the Button’. Have a go at home with them, I think they might surprise you at how quick they are getting at halving and dividing.
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During the afternoons we have learned a little more about Jamaica, where it is and what it is like geographically. We have looked at different topics such as food, animals and landscape, and tried to describe the country in more detail. We have also begun to make 3D models which has been a bit messy but hopefully we can share these with you very soon. We also taste-tested some more exotic fruits such as mango, pomegranate and fresh coconut that are more frequently eaten in the Caribbean.
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What we shall be working on next week
Next week in maths we will be learning about statistics and data handling. In English we will be using our new geography understanding to write a non-fiction report about Jamaica, ready to share with you for our assembly which is coming up soon.
How you can help with home learning
To support your child at home it would be great if you could practise division with them. You could use any number of objects and encourage them to group or share them. Using concrete objects with them will allow them to cement their understanding of what division actually means. We have been looking specifically at division by 2, 5 and 10 but, of course, feel free to challenge them by dividing by other numbers.
General Information
Please could you remind children to change their reading books as they come into school? We always give them the opportunity in the morning but it would speed things up if you could remind them as they pass through the library area on arrival - many thanks.